Friday, January 23, 2009

i'm a long shot, baby. that's all.

ohhh my gosh. i am so exhausted, i dont know why i'm still up! i must be crazy, but i couldn't resist the urge to write a ten random facts blog about myself! haha... okay. i am crazy. but this is my wind-down for the night. after i finish, i'll go to sleep, i promise!

TEN RANDOM FACTS OF THE DAY! (January 23, 2009)

1. I locked my keys in the car today for the first time in like... 4 years! I had a good run...

2. I had a huge chemistry test today... it is not one of my many talents, so let's hope i passed!

3. For dinner, or lupper perhaps- since it was at 4:30, I ate a sandwich from this awesome place called Jersey Mike's! It was delish.

4. I'm currently listening to "Gavin's Song" by Marc Broussard. And I think I am in love... with his voice. It is so.... I can't even think of a word good enough to describe how great it is. It's so soothing.

5. I may be a fantasy dork, but I am kind of obsessed with this new show I discovered last weekend. It's called Legend of the Seeker. It's like.... Lord of the Rings meets Harry Potter meets Robin Hood meets Twilight. It's fantastic. And the lead guy in it... gorgeous. Craig Horner. IMDB him! Haha.

6. The subject line of this blog is a quote from the song "Heaven Knows(I'm a Long Shot)" by one of my favorite bands- Enation. It's a really great song and it really describes the way I feel lately...

7. The sole of my right work shoe is dangerously close to coming off. It's been like that for awhile now and for some reason, I keep forgetting to buy some new shoes. Today I attempted to glue it back together... with that silly washable gel glue that you use back in 1st grade art class. That's all I could find! Haha. And it didn't work. At all...

8. In my chemistry lab today, my prof gave us a syringe of some gas and he was like, "be really careful with this, okay?" And so we start doing our experiment and sure enough, it only took us a minute or two to release the toxic gases into the air. It was kind of funny though. Everyone was like, "Oh no, my head hurts! It must be from the gases I enhaled!" and I'm like, "Ooo ya.. my teeth kind of hurt. It must be the gas!" its just funny how people freak out about stuff.

9. One year ago, I was living in Los Angeles. I was probably down in Santa Monica or perhaps cruisin down hollywood blvd. I probably had just started my internship about this time a year ago. that makes me really sad.

10. I am not very thrilled about the current state of my life, school plus dead-end job.... not every little's dream. in fact, i think work is sucking the life out of me and taking away all my dreams in the process. But I'm just trying to stay joyful.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

two thousand WHAT?

wow. another year has gone by already? so weird. i am getting so old, i feel like such an old lady sometimes. an old lady that stays up till 3am and has dance parties with her friends. hahaha.

so.... new years eve. as usual, it was... interesting. i am usually working or snowed in with the family in colorado or something like that, but this year i was home and completely available so i was forced to come up with some actual plans. shoot. what am i going to do with myself, i wondered.

well, i kept coming up with ideas and they all kept falling through. that always seems to happen to me, its really frustrating, but oh well, that's life.

i decided to stop trying to make big, exciting plans for new years eve and instead to just hangout with my dear friend sarah. so that is what i did!

we didn't do anything super exciting, but i had fun! we went to this old people party and had dinner, played a little trivial pursuit. it made us feel like ignorant fools, but hey, thats always fun, right? "what is the capital of Tunisia? i dont know... i've never heard of it!" great way to begin a new year. ha.

so... we went back to sarah's around 930 and ate snacks and listened to old records on her freakin cool record player! it was great! we had a dance party to the beatles, simon & garfunkle and cat stephens. it was fantastic.

i decided to be a party-pooper and head home around 1130 since i have to work in the morning... or in a few hours. haha. but ya, i was going to try to go to bed early. it was worth a shot, even if i failed miserably.

anyways, i was in my car driving home when the clock struck 2009. i believe i was belting out "City" by Sara Bareilles right around midnight. its a good song. a little sad though. not sure what that means. hopefully it doesnt mean this is going to be a sad year. i am all for the happiness in my life.

well, 2008 was a little bit of a roller coaster... i'm hoping that 2009 will be full of excitement and adventure and joy and hope and accomplishment. Dear God, give me a purpose this year and make me strong enough to fulfill it.

the end. or.... the beginning.