what do you think is the grammatically correct word for insomniacal? i can't find any matches in merriam-websters dictionary. but i'm declaring it a word. it is a word in kristin's dictionary.
insomniacal- (adv) one who behaves like an insomniac.
speaking of words and dictionaries and letters, this reminds me of a funny story. the story of the one of the best pick up lines i have ever received..... this is what this guy said to me while we were working one day:
"In my alphabet, K is the first letter!"
Ha! how great is that one? very creative. i have to hand it to him.
well shoot. i was hoping i'd be tired after all this typing. those keyboards, they will wear you out.
but no! i'm not tired yet.
so, my roommate tells me i had a sneezing attack last night around 1 am.
haha. really? really really? i sure dont remember that i told her. you see, i have been known to have sneezing attacks in the past, but only when i have been changing my nose ring and it gets turned around the wrong direction and makes me sneeze. but i know i didn't change my nose ring last night. and you'd think you'd remember it if you had a sneezing attack in your sleep. but i dont know... do you think its possible to sleep through a sneezing attack? pretty unlikely if you're a light sleeper like myself. but i guess you never know.
in other news, we talked about the movie Gone Baby Gone in my media ethics class today and it reminded me of how much i freakin love that movie! if you havent seen it, go rent it. but dont expect a lollipops and gumdrops kind of movie, cause it's not, but it is excellent. one of my favorite films ever.

i wonder if anybody is actually going to read this blog. sometimes i want to put something ridiculous on here like, "i have a confession, i am a hermaphrodite and i was born with a third arm growing out of my hip which i had surgically removed as a baby" just to see if anyone is paying attention. hahaha. it's not true. i swear. i am totally normal. no extra parts here. okay eww. i'm grossing myself out now.
man its late. i will probaby regret saying all this tomorrow and remove this post. 50 bucks to me if i remove this post tomorrow when i've (hopefully) gotten some sleep and come to my senses.
well...... on a serious note, i have been making plans lately. plans to move to the city of angels, or the city of demons as my father would like to call it. thats right, i will be moving to LA several months after i graduate from this hell hole that they often call college. i think this might be my busiest and most stressful semester yet. i have SO SO many things to do and zero motivation. zeeeeeeeero. this is just a means to an end for me because i dont plan on going into the field that i am majoring in. smart, huh? well, i can't live a life that i'm not passionate about. i refuse.
anyways, i am very restless and apathetic lately. but at the same time, these next few months will be the last time i get to see a lot of my friends for..... who knows how long, not to mention my beloved family. as much as i am going to LOVE living in LA, i am going to miss my family, especially my mom, like crazy. i dont know how i'm going to do it. but i really want to enjoy my time with them before i dont get to see them for months on end. but its so hard. i soooo want to be done with school. i will be happy when summer gets here and i get the best of both worlds- no school and time with friends and family. YAY. Here i am with my mother. isn't she cute and funny? haha i know, i know. that's where i get it.

well, i'm getting slightly tired. praise the Lord.